I am on the hunt for the perfect sawhorse desk to replicate! Here are a few borrowed photos of some amazing inspiration ideas!
courtesy: southern living, photos: anita calero

Ikea's Gruvan/Artur = $149
Decor Pad
Blair Gordon & Peter Murdock Photography
Blair Gordon & Peter Murdock Photography
There are so many options. I am leaning toward the first two images, from the Southern Living spread. But I have a few specific things I want in mine. I am looking to make a chunky base, with a Craftsman style"esque" feel. I want a weighty looking bottom, with some heftyness to it. I am also going to go with a slim profile desk top. I would love to find a unique door, but I may just get half a bi-fold door from Restore. It will stand in as a nightstand on my side of the bed. I may try to add some shelf space at the base of the sawhorses, we'll see.
This project is slated to start tomorrow morning, but we'll see, we just got pounded with more snow. Whoever told me that Southern Indiana doesn't get much snow, straight up lied to my face. I haven't seen grass since before Thanksgiving!
Have a safe and warm weekend!
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